Cataluña: Al 1º torneig de varietats de tomaquets per la lluita contra la privatització de la biodiversitat!

El dissabte 21 de juliol esteu totes invitades a Can Piella… Pageses i pagesos d’arreu on vinguin tindran la possibilitat d’enfrontar les seves varietats contra l’equip de tomàquets lliures residents a Can Piella, conformat per una quinzena de varietats tradicionals diferents, originades fruit de la curosa i llarga selecció pagesa realitzada durant anys.

European unitary Patent: The European Parliament votes Wednesday on the privatisation of life by the industry

Press Release of the European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC), 02/07/2012 The European Parliament, the only democratically elected institution of the European Union, will vote next week on the European unitary patent. This text very directly threatens farmers’ rights over seeds and breeding animals. If passed, it will criminalise the farmers who keep their own seeds, …

The Seed Map

Food, Farmers, and Climate Chaos is a teaching tool that shows the state of global agro-biodiversity today. It identifies key threats to the world’s seed and biodiversity systems, particularly the impact of climate change, and highlights regions where institutions and peoples’ movements are working to preserve agricultural biodiversity. We all want to know where our …