Italia: CFS Side Event – Genetic Resources, Farmers’ Seeds and Food Security

cfs-side-event-farmers-seeds.jpgEvento que tendrá lugar el próximo 18 de octubre con la organización de varios colectivos europeos.


Sustainable management of seeds can no longer rely solely on conservation in few large centralized Gene Banks. This conservation does not allow itself to stem a slow but irreversible lost of genetic diversity in the fields.

The dynamic conservation on farm complements the static ex situ conservation in Gene Banks promoting local seeds adaptation as the main way to meet the new challenges of climate change and food crises, and to reduce inputs and fossil fuels use. The proliferation of small collections managed locally by communities is the most economical way to secure conservation, handing seeds to farmers who must maintain and guarantee the sovereignty of States over their resources and food supply.

During its fourth meeting in Bali, the Governing Body of the Treaty (ITPGRFA) decided to initiate an ongoing effort on the implementation of Articles 5, 6, taking into account Article 9 on Farmers Rights. So it is necessary to put in place a mechanism for participation of civil society based on the working principles of the CFS.