Europa: Newsletter of the European SAVE Foundation

Newsletter of the European SAVE Foundation (Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe), containing the latest reports from the field of conservation of endangered livestock breeds and agricultural plants. This edition is dedicated especially to the 20th anniversary of the European SAVE Network and the engagement for endangered livestock breeds and crop varieties across Europe.  

Summary of the contents:

– 20th Anniversary of the SAVE Network – a milestone in conservation
– 7th Europ. Seminar on ABD: AgroBioDiversity – a chance for rural development
– Annual Meeting of the European SAVE-Network 2013 in the Netherlands
– ArcaDeli Awards 2013
– Genetic Diversity of Livestock Breeds: what should be supported?
– 30th Anniversary of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
– Germany meets Denmark: Crossborder Networking
– «Konrad Kupferhals» – Teaching children about rare breeds
– Newsflash (5)
– Important dates (extract)
You may download the SAVE eNews also as a pdf-file from our Archive.

The contents of this newsletter can also be found on the «actuality» page of our website.