Conferencia internacional sobre semillas SaatMachtSatt. Berlin 29/30.5.15


Conferencias , talleres , intercambios norte-sur , intercambios Sur-Sur , intercambio de semillas con Farida Akhter , Georg Janßen , Jack Kloppenburg , Suman Sahai y otros.

En nombre de la seguridad alimentaria, la política internacional está allanando cada vez más el camino para que las semillas pasen bajo el control de menos actores de la agroindustria alimentaria . Sin embargo , sólo las manos de muchos pueden mantener y desarrollar aún más la diversidad agrícola que la soberanía alimentaria mundial requiere.

Lectures, workshops, north-south exchanges, south-south exchanges, seed exchange with Farida Akhter, Georg Janßen, Jack Kloppenburg, Suman Sahai and others

In the name of food security, international politics is increasingly paving the way for seeds to come under the control of ever fewer agro and food industry actors. However, only the hands of the many can maintain and further develop the seed diversity that global food sovereignty requires.

Which kinds of agrarian systems and forms of agriculture can meet the ecological and social challenges presented by peasant agriculture in the world’s diverse regions, and which approaches exist that can promote locally organised seed development? Which influence does seed-legislation and development policy driven programs as the G8 “New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition” have on the access to seed? In the run-up to the G7 meeting in June 2015, we will be organising a public conference to discuss current political approaches toward seeds in different regions. Together, we aim to develop both questions and answers concerning the conditions required to preserve global seed diversity.

A north-south as well as a south-south exchange of experiences by academic and activist experts should provide us the necessary perspectives.

Our focus will be on south Asia, Africa and Europe. The conference will be in German and English. Participation is free.

Please register at Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Berlin Mitte, Luisenstraße 58/59, Time: Fr. 29. May 18.30 – 22h und Sa. 30. May 9-21h, More Infos: facebook:

Inputs and Discussions on

Open Source Breeding * G8 “New Alliance” in Africa * peasant Seed-Work * Community Seed Systems * Eco-Seeds and On-Farm-Breeding * GMOs and Resistance * Public Awareness Raising on Seed * Seed-legislation in different Countries

This event is being organised by Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in cooperation with the German NGO Forum Environment & Development.

Conferencia internacional sobre semillas