6º Seminario Europeo Liberemos la diversidad!!!

logo.jpg6º Seminario Europeo Liberemos la diversidad!!!

25-26/Febrero/2011. Hungría

The Let’s Liberate Diversity! forums are the annual gatherings of farmers’ organisations and associations working on agricultural biodiversity in Europe.

The 2011 edition of the forum will be held in Szeged, Hungary, during the Hungarian presidency of the European Union. Its central theme will be the question of Farmers’ Rights related to the conservation, sustainable use and development of agricultural biodiversity.

The forum is addressed to farmers, gardeners, seed artisans, bakers and processors of products derived from agricultural biodiversity, civil society organizations, researchers, breeders and representatives of gene banks as well as local communities implementing initiatives on agricultural biodiversity in Europe.

We are encouraging in particular the participation of initiatives from Central and Eastern Europe



– Védegylet / Protect the Future
– Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)

Comité de Organización Europeo:

– Réseau Semences Paysannes (France)
– BEDE-Biodiversité, échanges et diffusion d’expériences (France)
– Rete Semi Rurali (Italie)
– Red de Semillas “Resembrando e Intercambiando” (Espagne)
– Arche Noah (Autriche)
– Pro Specie Rara (Suisse)
– Scottish Crofting Federation (Écosse, Angleterre)
– Groupe de recherche-action environnementale et de justice sociale (Université de l’Europe Centrale, Hongrie)